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  • Sebastian Krzyszkowiak @sebastian.krzyszkowiak ·

    To check if VoLTE is enabled on the modem From the modem shell run the command:

    This is wrong, the check absolutely needs to be done during a successful call, otherwise it's completely pointless.

  • Joao Azevedo @joao.azevedo ·

    This is wrong, the check absolutely needs to be done during a successful call, otherwise it's completely pointless.


  • Alaraajavamma @alaraajavamma ·

    My modem is BM818-E1

    To disable Volte I had to add one command AT+CGDCONT=2 At the moment I understand only very basics but I am sure that Volte was not disabled before that.

    So at least in my case the correct way to disable Volte is this:

    sudo socat - /dev/ttyUSB3,crnl

    Please correct if I am wrong because I really do not understand this very well. But as said I can guarantee that this worked for me and without AT+CGDCONT=2 Volte did not get disabled :).

    Happy new year

    Edited by Alaraajavamma
  • Joao Azevedo @joao.azevedo ·

    @alaraajavamma thanks for this. I will test your instructions before updating.

  • Goat @GoatWildernessCollective ·

    sudo socat - /dev/ttyUSB3,crnl

    does not work for me and fails to launch the modem shell, i used nano to edit the ttyl file over ssh but no cigar. sudo socat shows edited values, but no modem shell interactions happen for my L5, USA, AT&T Awesim.

  • Joao Azevedo @joao.azevedo ·

    @GoatWildernessCollective hi, we would prefer not to turn this snippet into a support thread.

    I would ask that you contact us via email to

    When you contact us, can you send us the output of this command:

    sudo mmcli -m any | grep firmware

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