Headphone is mono, other channel pure static
Currently when you insert a headphone all the way, you get loud static in one ear and sound from the other. A number of Librem 5 users have worked around this issue by removing the headphone 1mm from the jack, which causes both channels to touch the one working headphone channel.
Apparently this might be caused by PlaybackChannels and CaptureChannels being set to 1 in /usr/share/alsa/ucm/wm8962/Audio
presumably for speakerphone/headset audio.
Steps to reproduce
- Insert headphone
- Use alsamixer to increase headphone volume so you can hear output
- Switch output channel to headphones
- Notice loud static in one ear
- Remove headphone ~ 1mm so both channels touch the one working headphone channel.
As a side note, one customer hit an issue where this no longer worked. Apparently their sound settings needed to be reset with the following command:
sudo alsaucm -n open wm8962 set _verb Audio set _enadev Headset