Chatty Matrix (with encryption) does not sync encrypted Element Messages if Element is signed in before Chatty
If kop316 is signed into Element (Desktop or Mobile) before signing into Chatty:
- If kop316 sends a message from Chatty, it will show up in kop316's Element Desktop and Mobile (as encrypted), and it shows up in Alice messages (both Chatty and other client).
- If kop316 sends a message from Element (Desktop or Mobile) to Alice, it will not show up in kop316's chatty nor Mr. Sadiq's Chatty.
- If Alice sends a message to kop316 from a non-chatty client, Chatty for kop316 will not see it (but will see it in Element Desktop and Mobile)
- If Alice sends an encrypted message from Chatty, it will show up in kop316's Chatty and Element.
This problem does NOT occur if kop316 signs into Chatty before signing into Element.
Edited by Chris Talbot