... | ... | @@ -319,10 +319,10 @@ All the chips in this page are detailed below, except this one: |
Purism hasn't published the schematics for the M.2 2230 B-key card containing the Silicon Labs (formerly Redpine Signals) [RS9116](https://www.silabs.com/wireless/wi-fi/rs9116-wi-fi-transceiver-modules) WiFi/Bluetooth chip.
Front of the RS9116 WiFi/BT M.2 card (74 components):
Front of the RS9116 WiFi/BT M.2 card (74 components):
![Front of RS9116 WiFi M.2 card](uploads/9703a5c8be3985e9b452d323c26c1015/Front_Redpine_WiFi_M.2_card.jpg)
Back of the RS9116 WiFi/BT M.2 card (37 components):
Back of the RS9116 WiFi/BT M.2 card (37 components):
![Back of RS9116 WiFi/BT M.2 card](uploads/a8739f35b2220db0ad0b093ab5fac9e2/Back_Redpine_WiFi_M.2_card.jpg)
... | ... | @@ -330,13 +330,13 @@ Back of the RS9116 WiFi/BT M.2 card (37 components): |
Purism hasn't published the schematics for the [M.2 3042](https://media.ccc.de/v/Camp2019-10238-a_mobile_phone_that_respects_your_freedom) [E-key](https://forums.puri.sm/t/news-regarding-librem5-on-chaos-communication-camp-2019/6813/4) card containing the BroadMobi [BM818-E1](http://www.broadmobi.com/en/module_show.php?id=18) / BM818-A1.
Front of the BM818-E1 cellular modem (14 components):
Front of the BM818-E1 cellular modem (14 components):
![Front of the BM818-E1 cellular modem](uploads/86383b338b1266ca34af924578b671e8/Front_BM818-E1_cellular_modem.jpg)
Front of the BM818-A1 cellular modem (14 components):
Front of the BM818-A1 cellular modem (14 components):
![Front of the BM818-A1 cellular modem](uploads/03d80666ebc8e58dd3bab1bd60478d0b/Front_BM818_cellular_modem.jpg)
Back of the BM818 cellular modem:
Back of the BM818 cellular modem:
![Back of the BM818 cellular modem](uploads/156663d103f70ae22922eadacf1a1384/Back_BM818_cellular_modem.jpg)
... | ... | |