Add a basic hardware page for Chestnut
Closes #150 (closed).
Merge request reports
- Resolved by David Boddie
@david.boddie Here are the improvements that were made from Birch to Chestnut:
- The red LED always indicates the charging state, regardless of whether or not the PMIC is powered (can illuminate when the phone is "off", future software improvements will alleviate this for Birch units)
- Fixed an issue where the TPS65982 was not entering its APP mode when VBUS was presented before the PMIC's BUCK6 VDD_3V3 rail, making it so that rapid charging occurs regardless of whether the TPS65982 is first powered via USB or via the battery (rapid charging always works, Birch will likely get a software workaround)
- The microSD card is now read-write (Birch units will likely have a software fix for this sometime in the future)
- The USB 2.0 D+/D- is now routed directly to the USB-C receptacle so it does not rely on the TPS65982 entering its APP mode to use the data interface (prevents an extremely unlikely but potential brick situation, which could only really be achieved on a Birch unit if done deliberately)
- Improved the WWAN kill switch inrush current such that using a PLS8 M.2 module would not cause the device to reset if you flip the switch off and back on
added 1 commit
- 6926f087 - Add improvements over Birch, remove incorrect info
There are multiple issues that may prevent rapid charging from working, but for the one Eric mentioned (TPS65982 staying in BOOT mode) it would actually get broken if you plugged USB in before inserting the battery; and also before powering on the Birch phone since the power button fix is in kernel.
Right now the best way to charge is to plug USB in while the green LED is shining during boot.
To clarify, there is a method for resetting the TPS65982 on the Birch units that is currently being worked on, though there are still some issues that need to be ironed out (e.g. making sure that the battery is charged enough before resetting the TPS65982 in case we are relying on VBUS to power the phone).
But this is a non-issue for Chestnut units, it will always work regardless of when you plug it in (besides one very nitch case where if you unplug and replug the USB source while u-boot is booting through, while the green LED is illuminated, but this is very rare and can likely be worked around by resetting the TPS65982 as well, or just rebooting the device).
Edited by Eric Kuzmenkomentioned in commit fccb5561