HdyLeaflet only allows adding one child in Glade
What problem did you encounter?
In what part of libhandy did you experience the problem? Note that multiple boxes may be checked.
build system -
documentation -
example application -
HdyArrows -
HdyColumn -
HdyDialer -
HdyLeaflet -
somewhere else (please elaborate)
What is the actual behaviour?
HdyLeaflet only allows adding one child in Glade.
What is the expected behaviour?
Like GtkBox, ListBox, etc. I should be able to add multiple children within Glade.
How to reproduce?
- Open Glade
- Create a Window or other top level widget
- Add a HdyLeaflet
- Observe that you can only put one child in the Leaflet and can't define the number of children
Which version did you encounter the bug in?
I compiled it myself. If you compiled libhandy from source please provide the git revision via e.g. by running git log -1 --pretty=oneline
and pasting the output below.
What hardware are you running libhandy on?
amd64 qemu image -
Librem5 devkit -
other (please elaborate): My Dell Inspiron laptop