leaflet: Add the under child transition animation
Let a and b be consecutive sibblings of the leaflet, a coming before b. → means the leaflet reveals a following sibbling. ← means the leaflet reveals a previous sibbling.
Currently we have the following child transition animations:
- none
- crossfade: similar to crossfade from
- slide:
- → a is pushed to the start by b
- ← b is pushed to the end by a
- similar to slide-left-right and slide-up-down from
- over:
- → a is covered by b coming from the end
- ← b reveals a by moving towards the end
- similar to over-left-right and over-up-down from
I suggest to add the following animation:
- under:
- → a reveals b by moving towards the start
- ← b is covered by a coming from the start
- similar to under-left+over-right and under-up+over-down from
Edited by Adrien Plazas