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  • Jeff Layton's avatar
    locks: turn the blocked_list into a hashtable · 48f74186
    Jeff Layton authored
    Break up the blocked_list into a hashtable, using the fl_owner as a key.
    This speeds up searching the hash chains, which is especially significant
    for deadlock detection.
    Note that the initial implementation assumes that hashing on fl_owner is
    sufficient. In most cases it should be, with the notable exception being
    server-side lockd, which compares ownership using a tuple of the
    nlm_host and the pid sent in the lock request. So, this may degrade to a
    single hash bucket when you only have a single NFS client. That will be
    addressed in a later patch.
    The careful observer may note that this patch leaves the file_lock_list
    alone. There's much less of a case for turning the file_lock_list into a
    hashtable. The only user of that list is the code that generates
    /proc/locks, and it always walks the entire list.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJeff Layton <>
    Acked-by: default avatarJ. Bruce Fields <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAl Viro <>