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  • Vakul Garg's avatar
    tls: Fix recvmsg() to be able to peek across multiple records · 692d7b5d
    Vakul Garg authored
    This fixes recvmsg() to be able to peek across multiple tls records.
    Without this patch, the tls's selftests test case
    'recv_peek_large_buf_mult_recs' fails. Each tls receive context now
    maintains a 'rx_list' to retain incoming skb carrying tls records. If a
    tls record needs to be retained e.g. for peek case or for the case when
    the buffer passed to recvmsg() has a length smaller than decrypted
    record length, then it is added to 'rx_list'. Additionally, records are
    added in 'rx_list' if the crypto operation runs in async mode. The
    records are dequeued from 'rx_list' after the decrypted data is consumed
    by copying into the buffer passed to recvmsg(). In case, the MSG_PEEK
    flag is used in recvmsg(), then records are not consumed or removed
    from the 'rx_list'.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVakul Garg <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid S. Miller <>