From 1c60c7f9001140e4a3bfae4b1cdcead6b075aecf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florian Fainelli <>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 12:58:40 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] net: dsa: bcm_sf2: Get rid of unmarshalling functions

Now that we have migrated the CFP rule handling to a list with a
software copy, the delete/get operation just returns what is on the
list, no need to read from the hardware which is both slow and more
error prone.

Signed-off-by: Florian Fainelli <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
 drivers/net/dsa/bcm_sf2_cfp.c | 310 ----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 310 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/dsa/bcm_sf2_cfp.c b/drivers/net/dsa/bcm_sf2_cfp.c
index 5034e4f56fd5a..8f734abde7b3b 100644
--- a/drivers/net/dsa/bcm_sf2_cfp.c
+++ b/drivers/net/dsa/bcm_sf2_cfp.c
@@ -974,316 +974,6 @@ static void bcm_sf2_invert_masks(struct ethtool_rx_flow_spec *flow)
 	flow->[1] ^= cpu_to_be32(~0);
-static int __maybe_unused bcm_sf2_cfp_unslice_ipv4(struct bcm_sf2_priv *priv,
-						   struct ethtool_tcpip4_spec *v4_spec,
-						   bool mask)
-	u32 reg, offset, ipv4;
-	u16 src_dst_port;
-	if (mask)
-		offset = CORE_CFP_MASK_PORT(3);
-	else
-		offset = CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(3);
-	reg = core_readl(priv, offset);
-	/* src port [15:8] */
-	src_dst_port = reg << 8;
-	if (mask)
-		offset = CORE_CFP_MASK_PORT(2);
-	else
-		offset = CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(2);
-	reg = core_readl(priv, offset);
-	/* src port [7:0] */
-	src_dst_port |= (reg >> 24);
-	v4_spec->pdst = cpu_to_be16(src_dst_port);
-	v4_spec->psrc = cpu_to_be16((u16)(reg >> 8));
-	/* IPv4 dst [15:8] */
-	ipv4 = (reg & 0xff) << 8;
-	if (mask)
-		offset = CORE_CFP_MASK_PORT(1);
-	else
-		offset = CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(1);
-	reg = core_readl(priv, offset);
-	/* IPv4 dst [31:16] */
-	ipv4 |= ((reg >> 8) & 0xffff) << 16;
-	/* IPv4 dst [7:0] */
-	ipv4 |= (reg >> 24) & 0xff;
-	v4_spec->ip4dst = cpu_to_be32(ipv4);
-	/* IPv4 src [15:8] */
-	ipv4 = (reg & 0xff) << 8;
-	if (mask)
-		offset = CORE_CFP_MASK_PORT(0);
-	else
-		offset = CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(0);
-	reg = core_readl(priv, offset);
-	/* Once the TCAM is programmed, the mask reflects the slice number
-	 * being matched, don't bother checking it when reading back the
-	 * mask spec
-	 */
-	if (!mask && !(reg & SLICE_VALID))
-		return -EINVAL;
-	/* IPv4 src [7:0] */
-	ipv4 |= (reg >> 24) & 0xff;
-	/* IPv4 src [31:16] */
-	ipv4 |= ((reg >> 8) & 0xffff) << 16;
-	v4_spec->ip4src = cpu_to_be32(ipv4);
-	return 0;
-static int bcm_sf2_cfp_ipv4_rule_get(struct bcm_sf2_priv *priv, int port,
-				     struct ethtool_rx_flow_spec *fs)
-	struct ethtool_tcpip4_spec *v4_spec = NULL, *v4_m_spec = NULL;
-	u32 reg;
-	int ret;
-	reg = core_readl(priv, CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(6));
-	switch ((reg & IPPROTO_MASK) >> IPPROTO_SHIFT) {
-		fs->flow_type = TCP_V4_FLOW;
-		v4_spec = &fs->h_u.tcp_ip4_spec;
-		v4_m_spec = &fs->m_u.tcp_ip4_spec;
-		break;
-		fs->flow_type = UDP_V4_FLOW;
-		v4_spec = &fs->h_u.udp_ip4_spec;
-		v4_m_spec = &fs->m_u.udp_ip4_spec;
-		break;
-	default:
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	fs->[0] = cpu_to_be32((reg >> IP_FRAG_SHIFT) & 1);
-	v4_spec->tos = (reg >> IPTOS_SHIFT) & IPTOS_MASK;
-	ret = bcm_sf2_cfp_unslice_ipv4(priv, v4_spec, false);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	return bcm_sf2_cfp_unslice_ipv4(priv, v4_m_spec, true);
-static int __maybe_unused bcm_sf2_cfp_unslice_ipv6(struct bcm_sf2_priv *priv,
-						   __be32 *ip6_addr,
-						   __be16 *port,
-						   bool mask)
-	u32 reg, tmp, offset;
-	/* C-Tag		[31:24]
-	 * UDF_n_B8		[23:8] (port)
-	 * UDF_n_B7 (upper)	[7:0] (addr[15:8])
-	 */
-	if (mask)
-		offset = CORE_CFP_MASK_PORT(4);
-	else
-		offset = CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(4);
-	reg = core_readl(priv, offset);
-	*port = cpu_to_be32(reg) >> 8;
-	tmp = (u32)(reg & 0xff) << 8;
-	/* UDF_n_B7 (lower)	[31:24] (addr[7:0])
-	 * UDF_n_B6		[23:8] (addr[31:16])
-	 * UDF_n_B5 (upper)	[7:0] (addr[47:40])
-	 */
-	if (mask)
-		offset = CORE_CFP_MASK_PORT(3);
-	else
-		offset = CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(3);
-	reg = core_readl(priv, offset);
-	tmp |= (reg >> 24) & 0xff;
-	tmp |= (u32)((reg >> 8) << 16);
-	ip6_addr[3] = cpu_to_be32(tmp);
-	tmp = (u32)(reg & 0xff) << 8;
-	/* UDF_n_B5 (lower)	[31:24] (addr[39:32])
-	 * UDF_n_B4		[23:8] (addr[63:48])
-	 * UDF_n_B3 (upper)	[7:0] (addr[79:72])
-	 */
-	if (mask)
-		offset = CORE_CFP_MASK_PORT(2);
-	else
-		offset = CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(2);
-	reg = core_readl(priv, offset);
-	tmp |= (reg >> 24) & 0xff;
-	tmp |= (u32)((reg >> 8) << 16);
-	ip6_addr[2] = cpu_to_be32(tmp);
-	tmp = (u32)(reg & 0xff) << 8;
-	/* UDF_n_B3 (lower)	[31:24] (addr[71:64])
-	 * UDF_n_B2		[23:8] (addr[95:80])
-	 * UDF_n_B1 (upper)	[7:0] (addr[111:104])
-	 */
-	if (mask)
-		offset = CORE_CFP_MASK_PORT(1);
-	else
-		offset = CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(1);
-	reg = core_readl(priv, offset);
-	tmp |= (reg >> 24) & 0xff;
-	tmp |= (u32)((reg >> 8) << 16);
-	ip6_addr[1] = cpu_to_be32(tmp);
-	tmp = (u32)(reg & 0xff) << 8;
-	/* UDF_n_B1 (lower)	[31:24] (addr[103:96])
-	 * UDF_n_B0		[23:8] (addr[127:112])
-	 * Reserved		[7:4]
-	 * Slice ID		[3:2]
-	 * Slice valid		[1:0]
-	 */
-	if (mask)
-		offset = CORE_CFP_MASK_PORT(0);
-	else
-		offset = CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(0);
-	reg = core_readl(priv, offset);
-	tmp |= (reg >> 24) & 0xff;
-	tmp |= (u32)((reg >> 8) << 16);
-	ip6_addr[0] = cpu_to_be32(tmp);
-	if (!mask && !(reg & SLICE_VALID))
-		return -EINVAL;
-	return 0;
-static int __maybe_unused bcm_sf2_cfp_ipv6_rule_get(struct bcm_sf2_priv *priv,
-						    int port,
-						    struct ethtool_rx_flow_spec *fs,
-						    u32 next_loc)
-	struct ethtool_tcpip6_spec *v6_spec = NULL, *v6_m_spec = NULL;
-	u32 reg;
-	int ret;
-	/* UDPv6 and TCPv6 both use ethtool_tcpip6_spec so we are fine
-	 * assuming tcp_ip6_spec here being an union.
-	 */
-	v6_spec = &fs->h_u.tcp_ip6_spec;
-	v6_m_spec = &fs->m_u.tcp_ip6_spec;
-	/* Read the second half first */
-	ret = bcm_sf2_cfp_unslice_ipv6(priv, v6_spec->ip6dst, &v6_spec->pdst,
-				       false);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	ret = bcm_sf2_cfp_unslice_ipv6(priv, v6_m_spec->ip6dst,
-				       &v6_m_spec->pdst, true);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	/* Read last to avoid next entry clobbering the results during search
-	 * operations. We would not have the port enabled for this rule, so
-	 * don't bother checking it.
-	 */
-	(void)core_readl(priv, CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(7));
-	/* The slice number is valid, so read the rule we are chained from now
-	 * which is our first half.
-	 */
-	bcm_sf2_cfp_rule_addr_set(priv, next_loc);
-	ret = bcm_sf2_cfp_op(priv, OP_SEL_READ | TCAM_SEL);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	reg = core_readl(priv, CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(6));
-	switch ((reg & IPPROTO_MASK) >> IPPROTO_SHIFT) {
-		fs->flow_type = TCP_V6_FLOW;
-		break;
-		fs->flow_type = UDP_V6_FLOW;
-		break;
-	default:
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	ret = bcm_sf2_cfp_unslice_ipv6(priv, v6_spec->ip6src, &v6_spec->psrc,
-				       false);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	return bcm_sf2_cfp_unslice_ipv6(priv, v6_m_spec->ip6src,
-					&v6_m_spec->psrc, true);
-static int __maybe_unused bcm_sf2_cfp_rule_get_hw(struct bcm_sf2_priv *priv,
-						  int port,
-						  struct ethtool_rxnfc *nfc)
-	u32 reg, ipv4_or_chain_id;
-	unsigned int queue_num;
-	int ret;
-	bcm_sf2_cfp_rule_addr_set(priv, nfc->fs.location);
-	ret = bcm_sf2_cfp_op(priv, OP_SEL_READ | ACT_POL_RAM);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	reg = core_readl(priv, CORE_ACT_POL_DATA0);
-	ret = bcm_sf2_cfp_op(priv, OP_SEL_READ | TCAM_SEL);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	/* Extract the destination port */
-	nfc->fs.ring_cookie = fls((reg >> DST_MAP_IB_SHIFT) &
-				  DST_MAP_IB_MASK) - 1;
-	/* There is no Port 6, so we compensate for that here */
-	if (nfc->fs.ring_cookie >= 6)
-		nfc->fs.ring_cookie++;
-	nfc->fs.ring_cookie *= SF2_NUM_EGRESS_QUEUES;
-	/* Extract the destination queue */
-	queue_num = (reg >> NEW_TC_SHIFT) & NEW_TC_MASK;
-	nfc->fs.ring_cookie += queue_num;
-	/* Extract the L3_FRAMING or CHAIN_ID */
-	reg = core_readl(priv, CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(6));
-	/* With IPv6 rules this would contain a non-zero chain ID since
-	 * we reserve entry 0 and it cannot be used. So if we read 0 here
-	 * this means an IPv4 rule.
-	 */
-	ipv4_or_chain_id = (reg >> L3_FRAMING_SHIFT) & 0xff;
-	if (ipv4_or_chain_id == 0)
-		ret = bcm_sf2_cfp_ipv4_rule_get(priv, port, &nfc->fs);
-	else
-		ret = bcm_sf2_cfp_ipv6_rule_get(priv, port, &nfc->fs,
-						ipv4_or_chain_id);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	/* Read last to avoid next entry clobbering the results during search
-	 * operations
-	 */
-	reg = core_readl(priv, CORE_CFP_DATA_PORT(7));
-	if (!(reg & 1 << port))
-		return -EINVAL;
-	bcm_sf2_invert_masks(&nfc->fs);
-	/* Put the TCAM size here */
-	nfc->data = bcm_sf2_cfp_rule_size(priv);
-	return 0;
 static int bcm_sf2_cfp_rule_get(struct bcm_sf2_priv *priv, int port,
 				struct ethtool_rxnfc *nfc)