diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/Makefile b/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/Makefile
index 41582fe485ee126f5d01e3dbb170ff56f18f2f6e..39f2bbe8dd3df67d01d9fcfeadbadfda02f8c3ea 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/Makefile
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/Makefile
@@ -1,31 +1,7 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-VAR_CFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config --cflags mount 2>/dev/null)
-VAR_LDLIBS := $(shell pkg-config --libs mount 2>/dev/null)
-ifeq ($(VAR_LDLIBS),)
-VAR_LDLIBS := -lmount -I/usr/include/libmount
-CFLAGS += -O2 -g -std=gnu99 -Wall -I../../../../usr/include/ $(VAR_CFLAGS)
 TEST_PROGS := gpio-mockup.sh
 TEST_FILES := gpio-mockup-sysfs.sh
-TEST_GEN_PROGS_EXTENDED := gpio-mockup-chardev
+TEST_GEN_PROGS_EXTENDED := gpio-mockup-cdev
 include ../lib.mk
-GPIODIR := $(realpath ../../../gpio)
-GPIOOUT := $(OUTPUT)/tools-gpio/
-GPIOOBJ := $(GPIOOUT)/gpio-utils.o
-CLEAN += ; $(RM) -rf $(GPIOOUT)
-	mkdir -p $@
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/gpio-mockup-cdev.c b/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/gpio-mockup-cdev.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a7fc3ac13494279bab4f9dada293abf4b8c746b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/gpio-mockup-cdev.c
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ * GPIO mockup cdev test helper
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Kent Gibson
+ */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <linux/gpio.h>
+#define CONSUMER	"gpio-mockup-cdev"
+static int request_line_v1(int cfd, unsigned int offset,
+			   uint32_t flags, unsigned int val)
+	struct gpiohandle_request req;
+	int ret;
+	memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
+	req.lines = 1;
+	req.lineoffsets[0] = offset;
+	req.flags = flags;
+	strcpy(req.consumer_label, CONSUMER);
+		req.default_values[0] = val;
+	ret = ioctl(cfd, GPIO_GET_LINEHANDLE_IOCTL, &req);
+	if (ret == -1)
+		return -errno;
+	return req.fd;
+static int get_value_v1(int lfd)
+	struct gpiohandle_data vals;
+	int ret;
+	memset(&vals, 0, sizeof(vals));
+	ret = ioctl(lfd, GPIOHANDLE_GET_LINE_VALUES_IOCTL, &vals);
+	if (ret == -1)
+		return -errno;
+	return vals.values[0];
+static void usage(char *prog)
+	printf("Usage: %s [-l] [-b <bias>] [-s <value>] [-u <uAPI>] <gpiochip> <offset>\n", prog);
+	printf("        -b: set line bias to one of pull-down, pull-up, disabled\n");
+	printf("               (default is to leave bias unchanged):\n");
+	printf("        -l: set line active low (default is active high)\n");
+	printf("        -s: set line value (default is to get line value)\n");
+	exit(-1);
+static int wait_signal(void)
+	int sig;
+	sigset_t wset;
+	sigemptyset(&wset);
+	sigaddset(&wset, SIGHUP);
+	sigaddset(&wset, SIGINT);
+	sigaddset(&wset, SIGTERM);
+	sigwait(&wset, &sig);
+	return sig;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	char *chip;
+	int opt, ret, cfd, lfd;
+	unsigned int offset, val;
+	uint32_t flags_v1;
+	ret = 0;
+	while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "lb:s:u:")) != -1) {
+		switch (opt) {
+		case 'l':
+			break;
+		case 'b':
+			if (strcmp("pull-up", optarg) == 0)
+			else if (strcmp("pull-down", optarg) == 0)
+			else if (strcmp("disabled", optarg) == 0)
+			break;
+		case 's':
+			val = atoi(optarg);
+			break;
+		default:
+			usage(argv[0]);
+		}
+	}
+	if (argc < optind + 2)
+		usage(argv[0]);
+	chip = argv[optind];
+	offset = atoi(argv[optind + 1]);
+	cfd = open(chip, 0);
+	if (cfd == -1) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s: %s\n", chip, strerror(errno));
+		return -errno;
+	}
+	lfd = request_line_v1(cfd, offset, flags_v1, val);
+	close(cfd);
+	if (lfd < 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to request %s:%d: %s\n", chip, offset, strerror(-lfd));
+		return lfd;
+	}
+		wait_signal();
+	else
+		ret = get_value_v1(lfd);
+	close(lfd);
+	return ret;
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/gpio-mockup-sysfs.sh b/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/gpio-mockup-sysfs.sh
index dd269d877562409e929b3665488a1df64e2cbd56..2d2e5d8763b67677b3bb9b1cf9b993dbf29aea42 100755
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/gpio-mockup-sysfs.sh
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/gpio-mockup-sysfs.sh
@@ -1,135 +1,77 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-	val=
-	active_low_sysfs=`cat $GPIO_SYSFS/gpio$nr/active_low`
-	val_sysfs=`cat $GPIO_SYSFS/gpio$nr/value`
-	dir_sysfs=`cat $GPIO_SYSFS/gpio$nr/direction`
-	gpio_this_debugfs=`cat $GPIO_DEBUGFS |grep "gpio-$nr" | sed "s/(.*)//g"`
-	dir_debugfs=`echo $gpio_this_debugfs | awk '{print $2}'`
-	val_debugfs=`echo $gpio_this_debugfs | awk '{print $3}'`
-	if [ $val_debugfs = "lo" ]; then
-		val=0
-	elif [ $val_debugfs = "hi" ]; then
-		val=1
-	fi
+# Overrides functions in gpio-mockup.sh to test using the GPIO SYSFS uAPI
-	if [ $active_low_sysfs = "1" ]; then
-		if [ $val = "0" ]; then
-			val="1"
-		else
-			val="0"
-		fi
-	fi
+SYSFS=`grep -w sysfs /proc/mounts | cut -f2 -d' '`
+[ -d "$SYSFS" ] || skip "sysfs is not mounted"
-	if [ $val_sysfs = $val ] && [ $dir_sysfs = $dir_debugfs ]; then
-		echo -n "."
-	else
-		echo "test fail, exit"
-		die
-	fi
+[ -d "$GPIO_SYSFS" ] || skip "CONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS is not selected"
-	nr=$1
-	direction=$2
-	active_low=$3
-	value=$4
-	echo $direction > $GPIO_SYSFS/gpio$nr/direction
-	echo $active_low > $GPIO_SYSFS/gpio$nr/active_low
-	if [ $direction = "out" ]; then
-		echo $value > $GPIO_SYSFS/gpio$nr/value
-	fi
-	is_consistent $nr
+# determine the sysfs GPIO number given the $chip and $offset
+# e.g. gpiochip1:32
-	nr=$1
-	echo -n "test pin<$nr>"
-	echo $nr > $GPIO_SYSFS/export 2>/dev/null
-	if [ X$? != X0 ]; then
-		echo "test GPIO pin $nr failed"
-		die
-	fi
-	#"Checking if the sysfs is consistent with debugfs: "
-	is_consistent $nr
-	#"Checking the logic of active_low: "
-	test_pin_logic $nr out 1 1
-	test_pin_logic $nr out 1 0
-	test_pin_logic $nr out 0 1
-	test_pin_logic $nr out 0 0
-	#"Checking the logic of direction: "
-	test_pin_logic $nr in 1 1
-	test_pin_logic $nr out 1 0
-	test_pin_logic $nr low 0 1
-	test_pin_logic $nr high 0 0
-	echo $nr > $GPIO_SYSFS/unexport
-	echo "successful"
+	# e.g. /sys/devices/platform/gpio-mockup.1/gpiochip1
+	local platform=$(find $PLATFORM_SYSFS -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d -name $chip)
+	[ "$platform" ] || fail "can't find platform of $chip"
+	# e.g. /sys/devices/platform/gpio-mockup.1/gpio/gpiochip508/base
+	local base=$(find ${platform%/*}/gpio/ -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name base)
+	[ "$base" ] || fail "can't find base of $chip"
+	sysfs_nr=$(($(< "$base") + $offset))
+	sysfs_ldir="$GPIO_SYSFS/gpio$sysfs_nr"
-	nr=$1
-	echo $nr > $GPIO_SYSFS/export 2>/dev/null
-	if [ X$? != X0 ]; then
-		echo "test invalid pin $nr successful"
-	else
-		echo "test invalid pin $nr failed"
-		echo $nr > $GPIO_SYSFS/unexport 2>/dev/null
-		die
-	fi
+	[ "$sysfs_nr" ] && return
+	find_sysfs_nr
+	echo "$sysfs_nr" > "$GPIO_SYSFS/export"
+# The helpers being overridden...
-	echo `ls -d $GPIO_DRV_SYSFS/gpiochip* 2>/dev/null`
+	[ -e "$sysfs_ldir/value" ] && echo $(< "$sysfs_ldir/value")
-	chip=$1
-	name=`basename $chip`
-	base=`cat $chip/base`
-	ngpio=`cat $chip/ngpio`
-	printf "%-10s %-5s %-5s\n" $name $base $ngpio
-	if [ $ngpio = "0" ]; then
-		echo "number of gpio is zero is not allowed".
-	fi
-	test_one_pin $base
-	test_one_pin $(($base + $ngpio - 1))
-	test_one_pin $((( RANDOM % $ngpio )  + $base ))
+	acquire_line
+	for option in $*; do
+		case $option in
+		active-high)
+			echo 0 > "$sysfs_ldir/active_low"
+			;;
+		active-low)
+			echo 1 > "$sysfs_ldir/active_low"
+			;;
+		input)
+			echo "in" > "$sysfs_ldir/direction"
+			;;
+		0)
+			echo "out" > "$sysfs_ldir/direction"
+			echo 0 > "$sysfs_ldir/value"
+			;;
+		1)
+			echo "out" > "$sysfs_ldir/direction"
+			echo 1 > "$sysfs_ldir/value"
+			;;
+		esac
+	done
-       gpiochip=`list_chip $module`
-       if [ X"$gpiochip" = X ]; then
-               if [ X"$valid" = Xfalse ]; then
-                       echo "successful"
-               else
-                       echo "fail"
-                       die
-               fi
-       else
-               for chip in $gpiochip; do
-                       test_chip $chip
-               done
-       fi
+	[ "$sysfs_nr" ] || return 0
+	echo "$sysfs_nr" > "$GPIO_SYSFS/unexport"
+	sysfs_nr=
+	sysfs_ldir=
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/gpio-mockup.sh b/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/gpio-mockup.sh
index 7f35b9880485648eaa9a8709b88c3b06fa88adab..0aa8e4294de1fd84b1a924bb3e0621cb0dcf5530 100755
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/gpio-mockup.sh
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/gpio/gpio-mockup.sh
@@ -1,72 +1,55 @@
+#!/bin/bash -efu
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 #exit status
-#1: Internal error
-#2: sysfs/debugfs not mount
-#3: insert module fail when gpio-mockup is a module.
-#4: Skip test including run as non-root user.
-#5: other reason.
+#0: success
+#1: fail
+#4: skip test - including run as non-root user
-# Kselftest framework requirement - SKIP code is 4.
+# Kselftest return codes
 	echo "Usage:"
-	echo "$0 [-f] [-m name] [-t type]"
-	echo "-f:  full test. It maybe conflict with existence gpio device."
-	echo "-m:  module name, default name is gpio-mockup. It could also test"
-	echo "     other gpio device."
-	echo "-t:  interface type: chardev(char device) and sysfs(being"
-	echo "     deprecated). The first one is default"
-	echo ""
-	echo "$0 -h"
-	echo "This usage"
+	echo "$0 [-frv] [-t type]"
+	echo "-f:  full test (minimal set run by default)"
+	echo "-r:  test random lines as well as fence posts"
+	echo "-t:  interface type:"
+	echo "      cdev (character device ABI) - default"
+	echo "      sysfs (deprecated SYSFS ABI)"
+	echo "-v:  verbose progress reporting"
+	exit $ksft_fail
-	msg="skip all tests:"
-	if [ $UID != 0 ]; then
-		echo $msg must be run as root >&2
-		exit $ksft_skip
-	fi
-	SYSFS=`mount -t sysfs | head -1 | awk '{ print $3 }'`
-	if [ ! -d "$SYSFS" ]; then
-		echo $msg sysfs is not mounted >&2
-		exit 2
-	fi
-	GPIO_SYSFS=`echo $SYSFS/class/gpio`
-	GPIO_DRV_SYSFS=`echo $SYSFS/devices/platform/$module/gpio`
-	DEBUGFS=`mount -t debugfs | head -1 | awk '{ print $3 }'`
-	if [ ! -d "$DEBUGFS" ]; then
-		echo $msg debugfs is not mounted >&2
-		exit 2
-	fi
-	source gpio-mockup-sysfs.sh
+	echo "$*" >&2
+	echo "GPIO $module test SKIP"
+	exit $ksft_skip
-	if [ -d "$GPIO_DRV_SYSFS" ]; then
-		echo "$GPIO_DRV_SYSFS exist. Skip insert module"
-	else
-		modprobe -q $module $1
-		if [ X$? != X0 ]; then
-			echo $msg insmod $module failed >&2
-			exit 3
-		fi
-	fi
+	[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ] || skip "must be run as root"
+	DEBUGFS=$(grep -w debugfs /proc/mounts | cut -f2 -d' ')
+	[ -d "$DEBUGFS" ] || skip "debugfs is not mounted"
@@ -74,133 +57,340 @@ remove_module()
 	modprobe -r -q $module
+	set +e
+	release_line
-	exit 5
+	jobs -p | xargs -r kill > /dev/null 2>&1
-	if [ X$dev_type = Xsysfs ]; then
-		echo "WARNING: sysfs ABI of gpio is going to deprecated."
-		test_chips_sysfs $*
-	else
-		$BASE/gpio-mockup-chardev $*
-	fi
+	echo "test failed: $*" >&2
+	echo "GPIO $module test FAIL"
+	exit $ksft_fail
+	modprobe -q $module "$1" || fail "insert $module failed with error $?"
+	[ -z "$verbose" ] || echo "$*"
+# The following line helpers, release_Line, get_line and set_line, all
+# make use of the global $chip and $offset variables.
+# This implementation drives the GPIO character device (cdev) uAPI.
+# Other implementations may override these to test different uAPIs.
+# Release any resources related to the line
-	param=$1
-	valid=$2
+	[ "$line_set_pid" ] && kill $line_set_pid && wait $line_set_pid || true
+	line_set_pid=
-	if [ X"$param" = X ]; then
-		die
+# Read the current value of the line
+	release_line
+	$BASE/gpio-mockup-cdev $active_opt /dev/$chip $offset
+	echo $?
+# Set the state of the line
+# Changes to line configuration are provided as parameters.
+# The line is assumed to be an output if the line value 0 or 1 is
+# specified, else an input.
+	local val=
+	release_line
+	# parse config options...
+	for option in $*; do
+		case $option in
+		active-low)
+			active_opt="-l "
+			;;
+		active-high)
+			active_opt=
+			;;
+		bias-none)
+			bias_opt=
+			;;
+		pull-down)
+			bias_opt="-bpull-down "
+			;;
+		pull-up)
+			bias_opt="-bpull-up "
+			;;
+		0)
+			val=0
+			;;
+		1)
+			val=1
+			;;
+		esac
+	done
+	local cdev_opts=${active_opt}
+	if [ "$val" ]; then
+		$BASE/gpio-mockup-cdev $cdev_opts -s$val /dev/$chip $offset &
+		# failure to set is detected by reading mockup and toggling values
+		line_set_pid=$!
+		# allow for gpio-mockup-cdev to launch and request line
+		# (there is limited value in checking if line has been requested)
+		sleep 0.01
+	elif [ "$bias_opt" ]; then
+		cdev_opts=${cdev_opts}${bias_opt}
+		$BASE/gpio-mockup-cdev $cdev_opts /dev/$chip $offset || true
-	try_insert_module "gpio_mockup_ranges=$param"
-	echo -n "GPIO $module test with ranges: <"
-	echo "$param>: "
-	printf "%-10s %s\n" $param
-	test_chips $module $valid
-	remove_module
-BASE=`dirname $0`
+	local val
+	# don't need any retry here as set_mock allows for propagation
+	val=$(get_line)
+	[ "$val" = "$1" ] || fail "line value is ${val:-empty} when $1 was expected"
+# The following mockup helpers all make use of the $mock_line
+	local backoff_wait=10
+	local retry=0
+	local val
+	# retry allows for set propagation from uAPI to mockup
+	while true; do
+		val=$(< $mock_line)
+		[ "$val" = "$1" ] && break
+		retry=$((retry + 1))
+		[ $retry -lt 5 ] || fail "mockup $mock_line value ${val:-empty} when $1 expected"
+		sleep $(printf "%0.2f" $((backoff_wait))e-3)
+		backoff_wait=$((backoff_wait * 2))
+	done
+	echo "$1" > $mock_line
+	# allow for set propagation - so we won't be in a race with set_line
+	assert_mock "$1"
-TEMP=`getopt -o fhm:t: -n '$0' -- "$@"`
+# test the functionality of a line
+# The line is set from the mockup side and is read from the userspace side
+# (input), and is set from the userspace side and is read from the mockup side
+# (output).
+# Setting the mockup pull using the userspace interface bias settings is
+# tested where supported by the userspace interface (cdev).
+	chip=$1
+	offset=$2
+	log "test_line $chip $offset"
+	mock_line=$GPIO_DEBUGFS/$chip/$offset
+	[ -e "$mock_line" ] || fail "missing line $chip:$offset"
-if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
-        echo "Parameter process failed, Terminating..." >&2
-        exit 1
+	# test input active-high
+	set_mock 1
+	set_line input active-high
+	assert_line 1
+	set_mock 0
+	assert_line 0
+	set_mock 1
+	assert_line 1
+	if [ "$full_test" ]; then
+		if [ "$dev_type" != "sysfs" ]; then
+			# test pulls
+			set_mock 0
+			set_line input pull-up
+			assert_line 1
+			set_mock 0
+			assert_line 0
+			set_mock 1
+			set_line input pull-down
+			assert_line 0
+			set_mock 1
+			assert_line 1
+			set_line bias-none
+		fi
+		# test input active-low
+		set_mock 0
+		set_line active-low
+		assert_line 1
+		set_mock 1
+		assert_line 0
+		set_mock 0
+		assert_line 1
+		# test output active-high
+		set_mock 1
+		set_line active-high 0
+		assert_mock 0
+		set_line 1
+		assert_mock 1
+		set_line 0
+		assert_mock 0
+	fi
+	# test output active-low
+	set_mock 0
+	set_line active-low 0
+	assert_mock 1
+	set_line 1
+	assert_mock 0
+	set_line 0
+	assert_mock 1
+	release_line
+	log test_no_line "$*"
+	[ ! -e "$GPIO_DEBUGFS/$1/$2" ] || fail "unexpected line $1:$2"
-# Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
-eval set -- "$TEMP"
+# Load the module and check that the expected number of gpiochips, with the
+# expected number of lines, are created and are functional.
+# $1 is the gpio_mockup_ranges parameter for the module
+# The remaining parameters are the number of lines, n, expected for each of
+# the gpiochips expected to be created.
+# For each gpiochip the fence post lines, 0 and n-1, are tested, and the
+# line on the far side of the fence post, n, is tested to not exist.
+# If the $random flag is set then a random line in the middle of the
+# gpiochip is tested as well.
+	local ranges=
+	local gc=
+	local width=
-while true; do
-	case $1 in
-	-f)
+	[ "${1:-}" ] || fail "missing ranges"
+	ranges=$1 ; shift
+	try_insert_module "gpio_mockup_ranges=$ranges"
+	log "GPIO $module test with ranges: <$ranges>:"
+	# e.g. /sys/kernel/debug/gpio-mockup/gpiochip1
+	gpiochip=$(find "$DEBUGFS/$module/" -name gpiochip* -type d | sort)
+	for chip in $gpiochip; do
+		gc=${chip##*/}
+		[ "${1:-}" ] || fail "unexpected chip - $gc"
+		width=$1 ; shift
+		test_line $gc 0
+		if [ "$random" -a $width -gt 2 ]; then
+			test_line $gc $((RANDOM % ($width - 2) + 1))
+		fi
+		test_line $gc $(($width - 1))
+		test_no_line $gc $width
+	done
+	[ "${1:-}" ] && fail "missing expected chip of width $1"
+	remove_module || fail "failed to remove module with error $?"
+while getopts ":frvt:" opt; do
+	case $opt in
+	f)
-		shift
-		;;
-	-h)
-		usage
-		exit
-	-m)
-		module=$2
-		shift 2
+	r)
+		random=true
-	-t)
-		dev_type=$2
-		shift 2
+	t)
+		dev_type=$OPTARG
-	--)
-		shift
-		break
+	v)
+		verbose=true
-		echo "Internal error!"
-		exit 1
+		usage
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
-if [ X"$module" = X ]; then
-	module="gpio-mockup"
-if [ X$dev_type != Xsysfs ]; then
-	dev_type="chardev"
+[ "${1:-}" ] && fail "unknown argument '$1'"
-echo "1.  Test dynamic allocation of gpio successful means insert gpiochip and"
-echo "    manipulate gpio pin successful"
-gpio_test "-1,32" true
-gpio_test "-1,32,-1,32" true
-gpio_test "-1,32,-1,32,-1,32" true
-if [ X$full_test = Xtrue ]; then
-	gpio_test "-1,32,32,64" true
-	gpio_test "-1,32,40,64,-1,5" true
-	gpio_test "-1,32,32,64,-1,32" true
-	gpio_test "0,32,32,64,-1,32,-1,32" true
-	gpio_test "-1,32,-1,32,0,32,32,64" true
-	echo "2.  Do basic test: successful means insert gpiochip and"
-	echo "    manipulate gpio pin successful"
-	gpio_test "0,32" true
-	gpio_test "0,32,32,64" true
-	gpio_test "0,32,40,64,64,96" true
+trap 'exit $ksft_fail' SIGTERM SIGINT
+trap cleanup EXIT
+case "$dev_type" in
+	source $BASE/gpio-mockup-sysfs.sh
+	echo "WARNING: gpio sysfs ABI is deprecated."
+	;;
+	;;
+	fail "unknown interface type: $dev_type"
+	;;
+remove_module || fail "can't remove existing $module module"
+# manual gpio allocation tests fail if a physical chip already exists
+[ "$full_test" -a -e "/dev/gpiochip0" ] && skip "full tests conflict with gpiochip0"
+echo "1.  Module load tests"
+echo "1.1.  dynamic allocation of gpio"
+insmod_test "-1,32" 32
+insmod_test "-1,23,-1,32" 23 32
+insmod_test "-1,23,-1,26,-1,32" 23 26 32
+if [ "$full_test" ]; then
+	echo "1.2.  manual allocation of gpio"
+	insmod_test "0,32" 32
+	insmod_test "0,32,32,60" 32 28
+	insmod_test "0,32,40,64,64,96" 32 24 32
+	echo "1.3.  dynamic and manual allocation of gpio"
+	insmod_test "-1,32,32,62" 32 30
+	insmod_test "-1,22,-1,23,0,24,32,64" 22 23 24 32
+	insmod_test "-1,32,32,60,-1,29" 32 28 29
+	insmod_test "-1,32,40,64,-1,5" 32 24 5
+	insmod_test "0,32,32,44,-1,22,-1,31" 32 12 22 31
-echo "3.  Error test: successful means insert gpiochip failed"
-echo "3.1 Test number of gpio overflow"
-#Currently: The max number of gpio(1024) is defined in arm architecture.
-gpio_test "-1,32,-1,1024" false
-if [ X$full_test = Xtrue ]; then
-	echo "3.2 Test zero line of gpio"
-	gpio_test "0,0" false
-	echo "3.3 Test range overlap"
-	echo "3.3.1 Test corner case"
-	gpio_test "0,32,0,1" false
-	gpio_test "0,32,32,64,32,40" false
-	gpio_test "0,32,35,64,35,45" false
-	gpio_test "0,32,31,32" false
-	gpio_test "0,32,32,64,36,37" false
-	gpio_test "0,32,35,64,34,36" false
-	echo "3.3.2 Test inserting invalid second gpiochip"
-	gpio_test "0,32,30,35" false
-	gpio_test "0,32,1,5" false
-	gpio_test "10,32,9,14" false
-	gpio_test "10,32,30,35" false
-	echo "3.3.3 Test others"
-	gpio_test "0,32,40,56,39,45" false
-	gpio_test "0,32,40,56,30,33" false
-	gpio_test "0,32,40,56,30,41" false
-	gpio_test "0,32,40,56,20,21" false
+echo "2.  Module load error tests"
+echo "2.1 gpio overflow"
+# Currently: The max number of gpio(1024) is defined in arm architecture.
+insmod_test "-1,1024"
+if [ "$full_test" ]; then
+	echo "2.2 no lines defined"
+	insmod_test "0,0"
+	echo "2.3 ignore range overlap"
+	insmod_test "0,32,0,1" 32
+	insmod_test "0,32,1,5" 32
+	insmod_test "0,32,30,35" 32
+	insmod_test "0,32,31,32" 32
+	insmod_test "10,32,30,35" 22
+	insmod_test "10,32,9,14" 22
+	insmod_test "0,32,20,21,40,56" 32 16
+	insmod_test "0,32,32,64,32,40" 32 32
+	insmod_test "0,32,32,64,36,37" 32 32
+	insmod_test "0,32,35,64,34,36" 32 29
+	insmod_test "0,30,35,64,35,45" 30 29
+	insmod_test "0,32,40,56,30,33" 32 16
+	insmod_test "0,32,40,56,30,41" 32 16
+	insmod_test "0,32,40,56,39,45" 32 16
-echo GPIO test PASS
+echo "GPIO $module test PASS"