Missing applications
Seems like form factor filtering doesn't work correctly.
Kyle reported these apps to be visible on a fresh installation:
Audio & Video: Lollypop
Communication & News: Chromium, Iceweasel, Geary, Gnome web, Chats
Productivity: Evince, Geary, Gnome dictionary
Games: SuperTuxKart, GNome 2048, Gnome Chess, Animatch
Graphics and Photography: Evince
Add-Ons: Tons of gstreamer stuff
Developer Tools: empty
Education & Science: Empty
Utilities: gedit, gnome calculator, password safe, gnome clocks, deja dup, gnome help, weather
This makes bob
, boiledcorn
, drawing
, lightsoff
, gnome-sound-recorder
, gnome-taquin
, waaaa
, whatip
missing even though they're correctly tagged.
On my device I see even different list of apps - for instance, GNOME 2048 and Chess don't show up even though I have them installed; and a few moments ago I've reinstalled GNOME Taquin on my phone and only then it started to appear in Store for me.