Feature: Languages specific Terminal layout
I did not see an issues raised already and this would allow to continue the discussion started here: !380 (comment 120931) which is: how to have the terminal layouts following a language-specific-layout.
In my specific case, I'm accustomed to an azerty layout, the current terminal is in qwerty.
@dorota.czaplejewicz raised the following point:
- Should terminals share parts of the layout, so that changes are more synchronized? Should they be independent?
- Should there be a selection entry for each language-terminal layout, or a single "terminal" entry? How to switch between them?
- There's also no code written to select the terminal layout based on the input language
I would like to raise the following:
- other than language, multiple terminal layout could cohexist for diverse use. I end up editing file with vim and having quick access to the ESC key is important, TAB as well in order to limit typing filenames. As such I wouldn't mind an extended layout with an extra row. I'm sure other usage exist, which make the "perfect" terminal layout quite opinionated.