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  • Dave Liu's avatar
    mpc83xx: streamline the 83xx immr head file · e080313c
    Dave Liu authored
    For better format and style, I streamlined the 83xx head files,
    including immap_83xx.h and mpc83xx.h. In the old head files, 1)
    duplicated macro definition appear in the both files; 2) the structure
    of QE immr is duplicated in the immap_83xx.h and immap_qe.h; 3) The
    macro definition put inside the each structure. So, I cleaned up the
    structure of QE immr from immap_83xx.h, deleted the duplicated stuff and
    moved the macro definition to mpc83xx.h, Just like MPC8260.
    *streamline the 83xx immr head file
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDave Liu <>