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  • Wu, Josh's avatar
    env_fat: use get_device_and_partition() during env save and load · be354c1a
    Wu, Josh authored
    Use get_device_and_partition() is better since:
    1. It will call the device initialize function internally. So we can
    remove the mmc intialization code to save many lines.
    2. It is used by fatls/fatload/fatwrite. So saveenv & load env should
    use it too.
    3. It can parse the "D:P", "D", "D:", "D:auto" string to get correct
    device and partition information by run-time.
    Also we remove the FAT_ENV_DEVICE and FAT_ENV_PART. We use a string:
    For at91sam9m10g45ek, it is "0". That means use device 0 and if:
    a)device 0 has no partition table, use the whole device as a FAT file
    b)device 0 has partittion table, use the partition #1.
    Refer to the commit: 10a37fd7
     for details of device & partition string.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJosh Wu <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarStephen Warren <>