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  • Aaron Durbin's avatar
    boot state: add ability to block state transitions · 0748d305
    Aaron Durbin authored
    In order to properly sequence the boot state machine it's
    important that outside code can block the transition from
    one state to the next. When timers are not involved there's
    no reason for any of the existing code to block a state
    transition. However, if there is a timer callback that needs to
    complete by a certain point in the boot sequence it is necessary
    to place a block for the given state.
    To that end, 4 new functions are added to provide the API for
    blocking a state.
    1. boot_state_block(boot_state_t state, boot_state_sequence_t seq);
    2. boot_state_unblock(boot_state_t state, boot_state_sequence_t seq);
    3. boot_state_current_block(void);
    4. boot_state_current_unblock(void);
    Change-Id: Ieb37050ff652fd85a6b1e0e2f81a1a2807bab8e0
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAaron Durbin <>
    Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
    Reviewed-by: default avatarPaul Menzel <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarStefan Reinauer <>