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  • Lee Leahy's avatar
    src/lib: Fix spacing · 35af5c47
    Lee Leahy authored
    Fix the following errors and warnings detected by
    ERROR: spaces required around that '?' (ctx:WxV)
    ERROR: spaces required around that '=' (ctx:VxV)
    ERROR: spaces required around that '<' (ctx:VxV)
    ERROR: spaces required around that '+=' (ctx:VxV)
    ERROR: space required after that ',' (ctx:VxV)
    ERROR: space required before the open brace '{'
    ERROR: space required after that close brace '}'
    ERROR: need consistent spacing around '+' (ctx:WxV)
    ERROR: need consistent spacing around '*' (ctx:WxV)
    ERROR: need consistent spacing around '&' (ctx:VxW)
    ERROR: spaces required around that '?' (ctx:VxW)
    ERROR: spaces required around that ':' (ctx:VxW)
    ERROR: trailing whitespace
    ERROR: space prohibited before that '++' (ctx:WxO)
    ERROR: space prohibited before that ',' (ctx:WxW)
    ERROR: space prohibited after that '!' (ctx:BxW)
    ERROR: spaces prohibited around that '->' (ctx:VxW)
    ERROR: space prohibited after that '-' (ctx:WxW)
    WARNING: space prohibited before semicolon
    WARNING: unnecessary whitespace before a quoted newline
    WARNING: missing space after return type
    Note that lib/libgcov.c and lib/lzmadecode.c are providing false
    positives for ERROR: need consistent spacing around '*' (ctx:WxV)
    An example is:
    void __gcov_merge_add(gcov_type *counters  __attribute__ ((unused)),
          unsigned int n_counters __attribute__ ((unused))) {}
    TEST=Build and run on Galileo Gen2
    Change-Id: I0016327a5754018eaeb25bedf42338291632c7c1
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLee Leahy <>
    Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
    Reviewed-by: default avatarMartin Roth <>