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  • Kristian Rietveld's avatar
    Bug 596012 - popup menu position is horribly off on gdk quartz with ... · 2f782de1
    Kristian Rietveld authored
    Based on first patches by Christian Hergert.  Change
    screen_get_monitor_geometry() so that it translates the layout of the screens
    from Cocoa layout to GDK layout.  In Cocoa, the screen locations
    are specified in Cocoa geometry, as well as that GDK uses a different way
    to place individual monitors in the root window.  For now only monitors
    that are laid out horizontally are supported (see the FIXMEs in the source),
    in bug 596238 we will track future work to get things fully right.
    Modify _gdk_quartz_window_get_inverted_screen_y() to take the differences
    in screen layout between Cocoa and GDK into account.  Also this function
    is subject to future work.