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  • Tim Janik's avatar
    Added unit tests for Gtk+ testing utilities. · 3cf208ef
    Tim Janik authored
    * gtk/tests/testing.c: added a sample test program that tests Gtk+ test
    utility functions. some g_test_* related portions are disabled and need
    to be enabled once Gtk+ depends on a new glib with the GLib testing
    framework integrated.
    * gtk/tests/ new subdirectory to include quick Gtk+ tests.
    added exemplary test rules to run tests inside Xvfb. this needs to depend
    on gtester for full fledged testing.
    * gtk/ build gtk+/gtk/tests, define -DGTK_ENABLE_BROKEN when
    collecting _get_type functions to catch e.g. gtk_text_get_type().
    * create gtk/tests/ and gtk/tests/Makefile.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=19011