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  • Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    Work on OLE2-based generic DND · af37f76b
    Tor Lillqvist authored
    Intermediate commit of work in progress on integrating the old code
    for OLE2-based generic drag and drop from Arhaeopteryx Software, from
    a long time ago in the GTK+ 1.3 timeframe. Does still not work and is
    as before not compiled in unless OLE2_DND is defined in
    gdkdnd-win32.c. (Thus, for inter-process DND, still only WM_DROPFILES
    style dropping of files on GTK+ apps works.)
    Related slight refactoring of other code that shouldn't change how it
    works. Add more global variables for run-time constants (once
    initialized) representing well-known GdkAtoms and registered Windows
    clipboard formats, as they with the generic DND code will be needed in
    several source files. Some improved debugging output.