Not able to enter PIN for LibremKey "on red background"
Not sure whether this belongs to heads or to initramfs. Anyway.
Librem13v4 german keyboard (external usb-keyboard connected) running PureOS amber with kernel 4.19.37-5+deb10u2, heads and encrypted nvme disk using LibremKey to verify (heads) and decrypt (luks).
- change any file on /boot to trap tamper detection
- reboot - don't sign
- use heads menu to select 'Ignore tampering and force a boot (Unsafe)'
- confirm to proceed (yellow background)
- choose to boot "PureOS_GNU/Linux_[/vmlinuz-4.19.0-5-amd64"
- there'll be a red background with white ascii menu asking to unlock the LibremKey "PIN: "
At this point in a normal boot I can enter my PIN using any keys I want (e.g. internal keyboard, usb keyboard, num keys on both keyboards, num pad on usb keyboard after enabling num lock) and I can confirm the PIN using any of my three enter keys (internal keyboard, usb keyboard and usb keyboard num pad).
But while in this warning mode of heads I can't press enter to confirm my pin and using the external usb keyboards num lock / num pad eventually seems to lock any change by using backspace. I didn't find a way to confirm my pin once entered. Only way out I found is rebooting --.