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Unfortunately they're not quite false positives. Turns out Amplitude was hiding in the Jitsi library and, although disabled from tracking with a code flag, piwik libs where still linking with the APK.
Google Firebase Analytics is the most worrying.
We hope that this is only one (second, again) omission on your part, I can imagine in the newspapers: Purism and Google, working hand in hand. I hope you will prove our suspicions wrong.
Thank you for your support.
@caliga Yes, it's good to be clear. In my case, I have a suspicion that I fully assume.
Purism's very good work inspires me to trust. However, this confidence is being questioned here. @thomas.markiewicz mentions Amplitude and Piwik, without mentioning Google. And today, there is "only" Google left. So there is progress, it's encouraging, but the remaining tracker is a mastodon of data analysis for profit/other purposes.
As long as Google Firebase Analytics doesn't disappear, it can't go unnoticed.
Please also note, that the attempted removal was possibly effective, but left traces of that code in the package, as exodus hints: "This is not a proof of activity of these trackers."