Gangway - Rapid Liberty releases
Gangway! - Rapid Liberty releases into PureOS stable
This project is a knowledge base for the rapid release of Liberty projects into PureOS stable. Rapid release code should ultimately be stored within each repo, but this is a useful intermediary workspace. The primary target is user-facing applications.
Gangway! pipeline
origin > source.puri.sm > PureOS > "apt install
stable liberty-package"
The ideal workflow is to backport from Debian testing with gbp (i.e. origin is salsa:debian/package-name
) but other reliable workflows are acceptable.
Changes made to meet long-term packaging requirements should be incorporated into the corresponding rapid release as soon as feasible.
Packages inherited from Debian stable are considered frozen, barring security updates. Dependencies against these packages are locked.
New packages introduced into Debian are considered fluid and under the maintenance of the Liberty rapid release team. The number of these packages should be minimized, and locking to major/stable versions is strongly preferred.
gbp quickstart (WIP)
This is a summary using gbp's default wherever possible:
- Install gbp with
apt install git-buildpackage
gbp clone salsa:debian/package-name
- Create project
- Push code into new project
Package summary