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  • Konrad Pozniak's avatar
    Tab customization & direct messages tab (#1012) · e371fa0e
    Konrad Pozniak authored
    * custom tabs
    * custom tabs interface
    * implement custom tab functionality
    * add database migration
    * fix bugs, improve ThemeUtils nullability handling
    * implement conversationsfragment
    * setup ConversationViewHolder
    * implement favs
    * add button functionality
    * revert 10.json
    * revert item_status_notification.xml
    * implement more menu, replying, fix stuff, clean up
    * fix tests
    * fix bug with expanding statuses
    * min and max number of tabs
    * settings support, fix bugs
    * database migration
    * fix scrolling to top after refresh
    * fix                                 bugs
    * fix warning in item_conversation