Can I create a local VM network for development?
User story: I am an LDH developer. I'd like to set up some networked VMs, so that I can test and develop without online infrastructure.
Suggested solution: Create headless virtual machines with GNOME Boxes.
- Instructions/script that creates a GNOME Box running Debian main stable
user@librem13:~$ create_box box.local
- I can ssh from my local environment onto the box
user@librem13:~$ ssh box.local
- I can ssh from the box onto a second box.
user@box.local:~$ ssh middleware.local
- I can run an Ansible playbook from my local environment...
# assume "host" lists "box.local" as a target
user@librem13:~$ ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml
- Instructions for these steps can be found on -- any scripts are stored in
Edited by David Seaward