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  • Julian Andres Klode's avatar
    apt_inst.DebFile: Avoid reference cycle with control,data members · a43948f6
    Julian Andres Klode authored
    apt_inst.DebFile provides two members `data` and `control` for
    easy access to those tarballs. Each of those members stores a
    reference to the DebFile as its owner:
            control ----\        |
                         -> deb -|
            data    ----/        |
    This means that whenever a DebFile is successfully constructed,
    and no longer needed, it won't be collected until the GC runs,
    which is bad, as the DebFile holds an open FileFd.
    Introduce a __FileFd wrapper that holds the FileFd and becomes
    the owner of both control and data, and replaces the direct use
    of the FileFd in ArArchive/DebFile:
            control ----\                    \
                         -> __FileFd <- deb -|
            data    ----/                    /
    This avoids the reference cycle, ensuring the memory and file
    descriptor are released by the reference counter as soon as
    the reference count drops to 0.
    A future version should move `apt_inst.__FileFd` to `apt_pkg.FileFd`
    and expose all the methods, such that people can make use of FileFd's
    extensive compression support.
    We have a similar cycle in TagFile that we have yet to address,
    the problem there is arguably more frustrating, as the buffer
    I believe is stored inside the TagFile, and that's really shared
    between the TagSection objects.
    This is related to LP: #1899193 and CVE-2020-27351, but an additional
    hardening measure - the fix for those bugs was for more direct leaks.