"Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network" does not fit on screen
What application is this relating to?
What problem did you encounter
The "Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network" window does not fit on the Librem 5 screen.
What is the actual behaviour?
As above.
What is the expected behaviour?
The window should not be bigger than the screen.
How to reproduce
- Open Settings
- Open Wi-Fi
- Select "Connect to Hidden Network..." from the ellipsis
- "Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network" windows appears
screenshot pending
Which version did you encounter the bug in?
I used a precompiled Debian package. Please paste the output of
dpkg -s <package name>
Application version (output of `dpkg -l | grep <application name>`): 1.14.6-2
Kernel version (output of `uname -a`): 5.2.0-gef814e5c7
assuming relevant package name is networkmanager
What hardware are you running on?
- Librem5 devkit (please list what build number you are running)
build number pending
Relevant logfiles