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I recently tried compiling this on Fedora. You'll need libbaseencode and libcotp, both by the same developer. I think it needs more usability work. I ended up using oathtool:
URL : http://zbar.sourceforge.net/
License : LGPLv2+
Description : A layered bar code scanning and decoding library. Supports EAN, UPC, Code 128,
: Code 39 and Interleaved 2 of 5.
: Includes applications for decoding captured bar code images and using a video
: device (e. g., webcam) as a bar code scanner.
@ChristopherDavis This looks nice! Only seems to be available as Flatpak, though. (Would be cool in other formats.) I'd love to see this integrated in GNOME by default.
I'm going to take a stab at this, as I need this functionality in my phone. However, I am not going to assign it to myself until I have made enough progress that I feel I can complete the work.
My plan is to use the libraries suggested by @molson. And build the app with Qt.
The code I am working on is at GitHub, but is private until I get enough of it done for someone to reasonably help out. But, I have managed to use liboath to generate an OTP, and verified it against the Google Authenticator app. So, getting that much working should be easy. I plan to implement ZBar once I have the basic OTP functionality and a good chunk of the UI in place.
I am also building it so that different types of secret entry storage can be defined. This is primarily so that entries can be stored in any secure storage that might end up on the final device.
Keep in mind that it is VERY early in the development. The UI is pretty marginal (if anyone out there wants to help me with that, let me know), but I plan to improve the UI once I have the functionality all in place.
The screens that are currently available are populated with bogus data just to give an idea of how things will probably end up looking. (Though, things may change wildly. No promises.)
I am pretty close to having the ability to add a new secret value to the database, and then be able to show the correct OTP on the main screen. Hopefully that will be functional before the end of the week.
NOTE : There is currently a red box around the site name and OTP value. That is there for debugging, and won't be there in the final version. I have just not gotten around to taking it out yet. ;)
I'm now willing to have this assigned to me, if that is the proper thing to do. I expect it will be functional fairly soon, at which point I'll focus on getting it looking correct on the phone screen, and starting to figure out how to package it.