I don't think this is a firmware issue at all, it appears to be a driver deficiency. I have posted a workaround in linux!801 - it could still be do...
We took care of this, our sysadmins found that the dak server had run out of disk space due to an excessive number of obsolete packages sitting in ...
I think someone forgot the renew some keys.
No, Geary is irrelevant. Any other connection can trigger a remote wakeup too, it's probably just Geary being the most prominent one in your partic...
If I turn off "notify new mails even if geary is closed" option, I noticed the data connection drops are more frequent. So I turned it back on and ...
Not sure if it is relevant, one thing I noticed when the connection drops and I go to reset the kill switch, I see a geary new email notification. ...
On Mobian trixie, 5s delay improves the situation, but not enough to stop the disconnect completely. If I turn off auto suspend (echo 'on' | sudo t...
For the record (if I ever have to come back and analyze QCDM stuff again), https://github.com/fgsect/scat is the tool that I've successfully used t...
ModemManager from this branch (based on byzantium's) uses PPP to set data connection up while still using QMI to manage the modem: https://source.p...
Since I don't see this issue pointing to any sub issues on PA vs Pipewire, I'll document my findings here in case another soul wants to try upgradi...
You are right @guido.gunther. I will work that out.
Note that we can nowadays have different wallpapers for dark and normal style (which are then displayed accordingly in settings) so having a somewh...
The first one seems to be the right candidate then!
The first one is my favorite.