Drop all prebuilt files
Note: I suggest we keep that MR around just in case. If it works without it, well, let's not break it…
This ensures changes for the Librem 5 will be built from the actual sources and not from the prebuild sources from the tarball.
From the pureos/sloppy branch, run:
git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD | grep -v "^debian/" | grep -v "^modules/" > diff-sloppy
git ls-tree -r --name-only librem5/librem5-3-24-8 > diff-librem5
for prebuilt in `diff diff-sloppy diff-librem5 | grep "^< " | sed 's/< //'`; do git rm $prebuilt; done
rm diff-sloppy diff-librem5