regression, HdyLeaflet content disappears when changing window size from different stack
What problem did you encounter?
Switching from a normal stack to a stack with HdyLeaflet, if it was previously folded and resized to an unfolded size, all the content disappears to the side and glitches (huge bug!)
In what part of libhandy did you experience the problem? Note that multiple boxes may be checked.
- build system
- documentation
- example application
- HdyArrows
- HdyColumn
- HdyDialer
- HdyLeaflet
- somewhere else (please elaborate)
What is the actual behaviour?
Resize window to mobile size in stack 1 (without HdyLeaflet). go to stack 2 (with HdyLeaflet). go back to stack 1, resize to a bigger window dimension, go to stack 2, see the contents of HdyLeaflet to the side with a blank unknown area on the left (gtk inspector just says it is part of HdyLeaflet)
What is the expected behaviour?
How to reproduce?
For example, using my app Organizer (which utilizes 2 stacks and HdyLeaflet in the second)
- Resize the app to a small size when on the homescreen
- click any row (which takes you to the HdyLeaflet stack)
- now go back, and resize the window
- click any row, and see how the contents are misplaced Please provide steps to reproduce the issue. If it's a graphical issue please attach screenshot. screencast attached
Which version did you encounter the bug in?
- Compiled version tag v0.0.8
What hardware are you running libhandy on?
- amd64 qemu image
- Librem5 devkit
- other (x86 Acer Swift 3, Fedora 29)
Releveant logfiles
** (organizer:3): CRITICAL **: 13:18:15.049: hdy_leaflet_set_visible_child_name: assertion 'contains_child' failed
** (organizer:3): CRITICAL **: 13:18:15.080: hdy_leaflet_set_visible_child: assertion 'contains_child' failed
Please provide relevant logs with G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all <yourappliation>
this bug doesn't occur in v0.0.7