- Jun 20, 2023
Sebastian Krzyszkowiak authored
Since kernel 6.3, bq25890 driver allows to enable Hi-Z via sysfs.
- Jun 09, 2021
Guido Gunther authored
This reverts commit f5a7a6a4. We want ship mode enabled.
- May 16, 2021
Angus Ainslie authored
If the device is in ship mode then it powers on when the charging cable is plugged in. To be in compliance with the power saving regulations below we can't turn on when power is applied. 10 Code CFR Part 430 (the energy conservation standards specified in the Code of Federal Reguklations at 10 CFR 430.32(z)) California Code Of Regulations, Title 20: Division 2, Chapter 4, Article Appendix 4, Sections 1601‐1609: Appliance Efficiency Regulations This reverts commit 86c1e578.
- Nov 09, 2020
Martin Kepplinger authored
When powering off (not rebooting) the Librem 5 battery should be put into shipmode in order to preserve its' capacity. For the whole discussion, see https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/linux-next/-/issues/120 When USB power is plugged in during powering off, we don't change any behaviour though. Setting shipmode in that situation would make charging stop when powering off. Of course this means that if the phone is shut down while plugged in and unplugged later, the battery will still discharge slowly. Only when unplugged, running on battery only, during shutdown, we set shipmode and prevent the battery to discharge while the phone is powered off.