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Adjust to asoc-simple-card changes in 5.15

  • drop devkit config, this lives upstream but we need to backport some alsa-ucm-conf for that (OS-issues#227)
  • move L5 files into a location that should work for alsa-ucm 2.4 and 2.5

@martin.kepplinger could you check if modem audio works for you? I don't see any changes in the pa output with over the current version (but can't test on that device until i get a 2nd sim card again)

WIP since i need to update alsa-ucm-conf for having devkit support (we could also hack that in modifying ucm lookups but backporting looks simpler (and at least according to deps it should work with the libasound2 in bullseye (which is showing it's age again)

Closes: #52 (closed)

Edited by Guido Gunther

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