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Add initial audio configuration for the phone

Bob Ham requested to merge bob.ham/librem5-base:phone-pulse-config into master

Note that the pulse/daemon.conf.d/95-librem5.conf specifies

default-script-file = /etc/pulse/

and in librem5-devkit-base, there is a similar /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/90-librem5-devkit.conf which specifies

default-script-file = /etc/pulse/

The new supercedes the and we rely on the PulseAudio daemon's ordering of configuration snippets. From pulse-daemon.conf(5):

"The files under daemon.conf.d are processed in alphabetical order. In case the same option is set in multiple files, the last file to set an option overrides earlier files."

Edited by Bob Ham

Merge request reports
