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  • Ye Li's avatar
    MLK-17821-1 USB: gadget: Add the cadence USB3 gadget driver · 70514bd0
    Ye Li authored
    Porting the cadence USB3 (CDNS3) driver from kernel to u-boot. We only support
    the gadget (device mode), while the host mode is not supported. Users remains
    to use xhci-imx8 driver for host mode.
    Some changes in the CDNS3 driver porting:
    1. Add match_ep call back to usb_gadget_ops. The CDNS3 gadget driver replies
       on this operation to bind the usb_ep/usb_ss_ep with the endpoint descriptor
       when function layer uses usb_ep_autoconfig to add endpoint descriptors to gadget.
       So that CDNS3 driver can know the EP information and configure the EP once the
       set configuration request is received.
    2. U-boot does not have CMA, so it won't allocate uncached memory. Need to flush
       TRB and its DMA buffer before prime to usb controller and after complete transfer.
    3. In core.c, we add functions to hook with u-boot. It needs uplayer like
       to pass the register base address of each part of the USB controller.
    4. Force the CDNS3 gadget max speed to...