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  • Stefano Babic's avatar
    Add include for config.h in command.h. · 5d1d00fb
    Stefano Babic authored
    Because the cmd_tbl_s structure depends on the configuration file, it
    must be assured that config.h is included before the structure is
    evaluated by the compiler. If this is not certain, it could happen
    that the compiler generates structures of different size, depending
    on the fact if the source file includes <config.h> before or after
    The effect is that u-boot crashes when tries to relocate the command
    table (for ppc) or try to access to the command table for other
    The problem can happen on board-depending commands. All general
    commands under /common are unaffected, because they include already
    config.h before command.h.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarStefano Babic <>