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  • Timur Tabi's avatar
    powerpc/85xx: implement check for erratum A-004580 work-around · d607b968
    Timur Tabi authored
    The work-around for erratum A-004580 ("Internal tracking loop can falsely
    lock causing unrecoverable bit errors") is implemented via the PBI
    (pre-boot initialization code, typically attached to the RCW binary).
    This is because the work-around is easier to implement in PBI than in
    U-Boot itself.
    It is still useful, however, for the 'errata' command to tell us whether
    the work-around has been applied.  For A-004580, we can do this by verifying
    that the values in the specific registers that the work-around says to
    This change requires access to the SerDes lane sub-structure in
    serdes_corenet_t, so we make it a named struct.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTimur Tabi <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAndy Fleming <>