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  • Simon Glass's avatar
    mkimage: Support automatic creating of a FIT without a .its · 8e35bb07
    Simon Glass authored
    At present, when generating a FIT, mkimage requires a .its file containing
    the structure of the FIT and referring to the images to be included.
    Creating the .its file is a separate step that makes it harder to use FIT.
    This is not required for creating legacy images.
    Often the FIT is pretty standard, consisting of an OS image, some device
    tree files and a single configuration. We can handle this case automatically
    and avoid needing a .its file at all.
    To start with, support automatically generate the FIT using a new '-f auto'
    option. Initially this only supports adding a single image (e.g. a linux
    kernel) and a single configuration.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSimon Glass <>