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  • Paul Burton's avatar
    MIPS: Use CPHYSADDR to implement mips32 virt_to_phys · 2e4cc1c5
    Paul Burton authored
    Use CPHYSADDR to implement the virt_to_phys function for converting from
    a virtual to a physical address for MIPS32, much as is already done for
    MIPS64. This allows for virt_to_phys to work regardless of whether the
    address being translated is in kseg0 or kseg1, unlike the previous
    subtraction based approach which only worked for addresses in kseg0.
    This allows for drivers to provide an address to virt_to_phys without
    needing to manually ensure that kseg1 addresses are converted to
    equivalent kseg0 addresses first.
    This patch is equivalent to this Linux patch currently waiting to be
    reviewed & merged:
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPaul Burton <>