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  • Alasdair G Kergon's avatar
    [PATCH] device-mapper snapshot: fix origin_write pending_exception submission · eccf0817
    Alasdair G Kergon authored
    Say you have several snapshots of the same origin and then you issue a write
    to some place in the origin for the first time.
    Before the device-mapper snapshot target lets the write go through to the
    underlying device, it needs to make a copy of the data that is about to be
    overwritten.  Each snapshot is independent, so it makes one copy for each
    __origin_write() loops through each snapshot and checks to see whether a copy
    is needed for that snapshot.  (A copy is only needed the first time that data
    If a copy is needed, the code allocates a 'pending_exception' structure
    holding the details.  It links these together for all the snapshots, then
    works its way through this list and submits the copying requests to the kcopyd
    thread by calling start_copy().  When each request is completed, the original
    pending_exception structure gets freed in pending_complete().
    If you're very unlucky, this structure can get freed *before* the submission
    process has finished walking the list.
    This patch:
      1) Creates a new temporary list pe_queue to hold the pending exception
      2) Does all the bookkeeping up-front, then walks through the new list
         safely and calls start_copy() for each pending_exception that needed it;
      3) Avoids attempting to add pe->siblings to the list if it's already
    [NB This does not fix all the races in this code.  More patches will follow.]
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlasdair G Kergon <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAndrew Morton <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLinus Torvalds <>