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  • Dave Chinner's avatar
    xfs: make xfs btree stats less huge · 11ef38af
    Dave Chinner authored
    Embedding a switch statement in every btree stats inc/add adds a lot
    of code overhead to the core btree infrastructure paths. Stats are
    supposed to be small and lightweight, but the btree stats have
    become big and bloated as we've added more btrees. It needs fixing
    because the reflink code will just add more overhead again.
    Convert the v2 btree stats to arrays instead of independent
    variables, and instead use the type to index the specific btree
    array via an enum. This allows us to use array based indexing
    to update the stats, rather than having to derefence variables
    specific to the btree type.
    If we then wrap the xfsstats structure in a union and place uint32_t
    array beside it, and calculate the correct btree stats array base
    array index when creating a btree cursor,  we can easily access
    entries in the stats structure without having to switch names based
    on the btree type.
    We then replace with the switch statement with a simple set of stats
    wrapper macros, resulting in a significant simplification of the
    btree stats code, and:
       text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
      48905	    144	      8	  49057	   bfa1	fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_btree.o.old
      36793	    144	      8	  36945	   9051	fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_btree.o
    it reduces the core btree infrastructure code size by close to 25%!
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDave Chinner <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarChristoph Hellwig <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDave Chinner <>