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  • Dominik Brodowski's avatar
    syscalls/core, syscalls/x86: Clean up compat syscall stub naming convention · 5ac9efa3
    Dominik Brodowski authored
    Tidy the naming convention for compat syscall subs. Hints which describe
    the purpose of the stub go in front and receive a double underscore to
    denote that they are generated on-the-fly by the COMPAT_SYSCALL_DEFINEx()
    For the generic case, this means:
    t            kernel_waitid	# common C function (see kernel/exit.c)
        __do_compat_sys_waitid	# inlined helper doing the actual work
    				# (takes original parameters as declared)
    T   __se_compat_sys_waitid	# sign-extending C function calling inlined
    				# helper (takes parameters of type long,
    				# casts them to unsigned long and then to
    				# the declared type)
    T        compat_sys_waitid      # alias to __se_compat_sys_waitid()
    				# (taking parameters as declared), to
    				# be included in syscall table
    For x86, the naming is as follows:
    t            kernel_waitid	# common C function (see kernel/exit.c)
        __do_compat_sys_waitid	# inlined helper doing the actual wor...