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  • Ryan Lortie's avatar
    GtkActionMuxer: store primary accels · 3f8c2355
    Ryan Lortie authored
    Reuse the existing infrastructure in GtkActionMuxer for propagation of
    accelerator information: in particular, what accel label ought to appear
    on menu items for a particular action and target.
    This is a good idea because we want accels to travel along with the
    actions that they're tied to and reusing GtkActionMuxer will allow us to
    do that without creating another hierarchy of a different class for the
    sole purpose of filling in accel labels on menu items.
    Doing it this ways also allows those who copy/paste GtkActionMuxer to
    insert the accels for themselves.
    Add a new method on the GtkActionObserver interface to report changes.
    This patch introduces a new concept: "action and target" notation for
    actions.  This format looks like so:
    or for non-targeted actions:
    and it is used over a number of possible alternative formats for some
    good reasons:
     - it's very easy to get a nul-terminated action name out of this format