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  • Arjan van de Ven's avatar
    Major cleanup, added support for 32 bpp and 4 bpp (uncompressed) images, · 631f507f
    Arjan van de Ven authored
    1999-12-04  Arjan van de Ven <>
    	* gdk-pixbuf/io-bmp.c: Major cleanup, added support for
    	32 bpp and 4 bpp (uncompressed) images, fixed 1bpp.
    	* gdk-pixbuf/io-ras.c: Minor cleanup, ran through lclint
    	* gdk-pixbuf/io-ico.c: Minor cleanup, fixed 1bpp icons,
     	ran through lclint.
    	* gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c: Added detection of .CUR files
    	(Windows Cursor files). These are identical to .ICO files,
    	except for the signature and 2 extra fields for the hotspot.
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