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  • Michael Natterer's avatar
    Made button-press timeouts which work like key repeat timeouts · dfa4870b
    Michael Natterer authored
    2005-11-22  Michael Natterer  <>
    	Made button-press timeouts which work like key repeat timeouts
    	configurable. Addresses bug #142582:
    	* gtk/gtksettings.c: added properties "gtk-timeout-initial" and
    	"gtk-timeout-repeat" which defalt to 200/20 (ms).
    	Use the values from GtkSettings instead of hardcoding them
    	(the repeat value is either taken as-is for fast repeat or
    	multiplied by 5 for slow repeat). Changed all places to use these
    	two standard initial/repeat timings:
    	* gtk/gtkcalendar.c (unchanged 200/20)
    	* gtk/gtknotebook.c (unchanged 200/100)
    	* gtk/gtkpathbar.c (changed from 300/150 to 200/100)
    	* gtk/gtkrange.c (changed from 250/100 to 200/100)
    	* gtk/gtkspinbutton.c (unchanged 200/20)
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