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  • Zach Brown's avatar
    rds: fix rds_send_xmit() serialization · 0f4b1c7e
    Zach Brown authored
    rds_send_xmit() was changed to hold an interrupt masking spinlock instead of a
    mutex so that it could be called from the IB receive tasklet path.  This broke
    the TCP transport because its xmit method can block and masks and unmasks
    This patch serializes callers to rds_send_xmit() with a simple bit instead of
    the current spinlock or previous mutex.  This enables rds_send_xmit() to be
    called from any context and to call functions which block.  Getting rid of the
    c_send_lock exposes the bare c_lock acquisitions which are changed to block
    A waitqueue is added so that rds_conn_shutdown() can wait for callers to leave
    rds_send_xmit() before tearing down partial send state.  This lets us get rid
    of c_senders.
    rds_send_xmit() is changed to check the conn state after acquiring the
    RDS_IN_XMIT bit to resolve races with the shutdown path.  Previously both
    worked with the conn state and then the lock in the same order, allowing them
    to race and execute the paths concurrently.
    rds_send_reset() isn't racing with rds_send_xmit() now that rds_conn_shutdown()
    properly ensures that rds_send_xmit() can't start once the conn state has been
    changed.  We can remove its previous use of the spinlock.
    Finally, c_send_generation is redundant.  Callers can race to test the c_flags
    bit by simply retrying instead of racing to test the c_send_generation atomic.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarZach Brown <>