Due to an influx of spam, we have had to impose restrictions on new accounts. Please see this page for instructions on how to get full permissions. Sorry for the inconvenience.
source.puri.sm will be down starting March 18, 6:00 UTC, for a server migration. We expect the migration to take up to 4 hours.
Simplify the top-level menu to better reflect the way the script is actually used. The top-level menu items are now:
The intent is to guide novice users into "Update firmware" and have as little room for error as possible. Later options are each less commonly used.
This also reduces some confusion over things like "building from source" used to imply the SeaBIOS payload, now the payload is selected first and building from source is offered if SeaBIOS was selected.
There are a few smaller changes as well that resulted from the restructuring:
Signed-off-by: Jonathon Hall jonathon.hall@puri.sm