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  • Kees Cook's avatar
    gcc-plugins: Add the randstruct plugin · 313dd1b6
    Kees Cook authored
    This randstruct plugin is modified from Brad Spengler/PaX Team's code
    in the last public patch of grsecurity/PaX based on my understanding
    of the code. Changes or omissions from the original code are mine and
    don't reflect the original grsecurity/PaX code.
    The randstruct GCC plugin randomizes the layout of selected structures
    at compile time, as a probabilistic defense against attacks that need to
    know the layout of structures within the kernel. This is most useful for
    "in-house" kernel builds where neither the randomization seed nor other
    build artifacts are made available to an attacker. While less useful for
    distribution kernels (where the randomization seed must be exposed for
    third party kernel module builds), it still has some value there since now
    all kernel builds would need to be tracked by an attacker.
    In more performance sensitive scenarios, GCC_PLUGIN_RANDSTRUCT_PERFORMANCE
    can be selected to make a best effort to restrict randomization to