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Unverified Commit 6af31a2b authored by Ellie's avatar Ellie
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Change how toggle keys work to be more alike to phosh's keyboard (MR 89)

parent 1794d698
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......@@ -246,34 +246,62 @@ SDL_Surface *Keyboard::makeKeyboard(KeyboardLayer *layer) {
return NULL;
// Divide the bottom row in 20 columns and use that for calculations
int colw = this->keyboardWidth / 20;
int sidebuttonsWidth = this->keyboardWidth / 20 + colw * 2;
int y = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < rowCount) {
int rowElementCount = layer->rows[i].size();
int x = (rowElementCount >= 10 ? 0 : this->keyboardWidth / 20);
int x = 0;
if (i < 2 && rowElementCount < 10)
x = this->keyboardWidth / 20;
if (i == 2) /* leave room for shift, "123" or "=\<" key */
x = this->keyboardWidth / 20 + colw * 2;
drawRow(surface, &layer->keyList, x, y, this->keyboardWidth / 10,
rowHeight, &layer->rows[i], this->keyboardWidth / 100, font);
y += rowHeight;
// Divide the bottom row in 20 columns and use that for calculations
int colw = this->keyboardWidth / 20;
/* Draw symbols or ABC key based on which layer we are creating */
/* Bottom-left key, 123 or ABC key based on which layer we're on: */
if (layer->layerNum < 2) {
char nums[] = "123";
drawKey(surface, &layer->keyList, colw, y, colw*3, rowHeight,
nums, &KEYCAP_NUMBERS, this->keyboardWidth / 100, font);
} else if (layer->layerNum == 2) {
char symb[] = "=\\<";
drawKey(surface, &layer->keyList, colw, y, colw*3, rowHeight,
symb, &KEYCAP_SYMBOLS, this->keyboardWidth / 100, font);
} else if (layer->layerNum == 3) {
} else {
char abc[] = "abc";
drawKey(surface, &layer->keyList, colw, y, colw*3, rowHeight,
abc, &KEYCAP_ABC, this->keyboardWidth / 100, font);
/* Shift-key that transforms into "123" or "=\<" depending on layer: */
if (layer->layerNum == 2) {
char symb[] = "=\\<";
drawKey(surface, &layer->keyList, 0, y - rowHeight,
sidebuttonsWidth, rowHeight,
symb, &KEYCAP_SYMBOLS, this->keyboardWidth / 100, font);
} else if (layer->layerNum == 3) {
char nums[] = "123";
drawKey(surface, &layer->keyList, 0, y - rowHeight,
sidebuttonsWidth, rowHeight,
nums, &KEYCAP_NUMBERS, this->keyboardWidth / 100, font);
} else {
char shift[64] = "";
memcpy(shift, KEYCAP_SHIFT.c_str(), strlen(KEYCAP_SHIFT.c_str()) + 1);
drawKey(surface, &layer->keyList, 0, y - rowHeight,
sidebuttonsWidth, rowHeight,
shift, &KEYCAP_SHIFT, this->keyboardWidth / 100, font);
/* Backspace key that is larger-sized (hence also drawn separately) */
char bcksp[64];
memcpy(bcksp, KEYCAP_BACKSPACE.c_str(),
strlen(KEYCAP_BACKSPACE.c_str()) + 1);
drawKey(surface, &layer->keyList, this->keyboardWidth / 20 + colw * 16,
y - rowHeight, sidebuttonsWidth, rowHeight,
bcksp, &KEYCAP_BACKSPACE, this->keyboardWidth / 100, font);
char space[] = " ";
drawKey(surface, &layer->keyList, colw*5, y, colw*8, rowHeight,
......@@ -326,22 +354,22 @@ void Keyboard::loadKeymap() {
layer0.rows[0] = {"q", "w", "e", "r", "t", "y", "u", "i", "o", "p"};
layer0.rows[1] = {"a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l"};
layer0.rows[2] = {KEYCAP_SHIFT, "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m", KEYCAP_BACKSPACE};
layer0.rows[2] = {"z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m"};
layer0.layerNum = 0;
layer1.rows[0] = {"Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P"};
layer1.rows[1] = {"A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L"};
layer1.rows[2] = {KEYCAP_SHIFT, "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", KEYCAP_BACKSPACE};
layer1.rows[2] = {"Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M"};
layer1.layerNum = 1;
layer2.rows[0] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"};
layer2.rows[1] = {"@", "#", "$", "%", "&", "-", "_", "+", "(", ")"};
layer2.rows[2] = {KEYCAP_SHIFT, ",", "\"", "'", ":", ";", "!", "?", KEYCAP_BACKSPACE};
layer2.rows[2] = {",", "\"", "'", ":", ";", "!", "?"};
layer2.layerNum = 2;
layer3.rows[0] = {"~", "`", "|", "·", "√", "π", "τ", "÷", "×", "¶"};
layer3.rows[1] = {"©", "®", "£", "€", "¥", "^", "°", "*", "{", "}"};
layer3.rows[2] = {KEYCAP_SHIFT, "\\", "/", "<", ">", "=", "[", "]", KEYCAP_BACKSPACE};
layer3.rows[2] = {"\\", "/", "<", ">", "=", "[", "]"};
layer3.layerNum = 3;
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