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Librem 11 release

Merged Jonathon Hall requested to merge librem11_release into pureos/latest

Initial packages for Librem 11

Edited by Jonathon Hall

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1 1 # Accelerometer rotation matrix
2 2 default/61-librem-11-accelerometer.hwdb /lib/udev/hwdb.d
4 # Keyboard cover libinput quirks
3 5 default/85-librem11-keyboard.quirks /usr/share/libinput
7 default/11_librem11.gschema.override usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
8 default/adwaita-phone.jpg usr/share/librem11/default-theme/
  • Don't you want to use the high-res backround ?

  • You mean the 3840x2160 byzantium background? Personally I thought this one looked a lot better.

    The dithering/noise in the blue-purple gradient looks really "patchy" to me like JPEG artifacts, not sure if this is really a compression artifact or intentional but it does not look great on this display IMO. I think it's the vibrant AMOLED display, they are not as prominent to me on my LG desktop LCD. (Admittedly JPEG artifacts are a bit of a pet peeve of mine, they just sort of stick out to me :sweat_smile:).

    The phone background looks great IMO. I don't notice any JPEG artifacts, and even though it is upscaled a bit in the horizontal orientation it is not noticeable at all.

  • I'd avoid shipping the wallpaper in here. Either (if we consider it "upstreamable") or a the PureOS artwork package (as it then later on works with GNOME Shell too) would be a good fit.

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  • Guido Gunther
    Guido Gunther @guido.gunther started a thread on commit 106aee76
  • 1 [org.gnome.desktop.background]
    2 picture-uri='file:///usr/share/librem5/default-theme/adwaita-phone.jpg'
    4 [org.gnome.desktop.sound]
    5 theme-name='librem5'
  • Guido Gunther
    Guido Gunther @guido.gunther started a thread on commit 106aee76
  • 11 hardware-acceleration-policy='always'
    13 [org.gnome.desktop.privacy]
    14 usb-protection=false
    16 [org.gnome.desktop.session]
    17 idle-delay=60
    19 [org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchscreen]
    20 orientation-lock=true
    22 [org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power]
    23 ambient-enabled=false
    24 power-button-action='nothing'
    25 sleep-inactive-ac-type='nothing'
    26 sleep-inactive-battery-type='nothing'
  • Jonathon Hall added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • 68c1cddd - .gitlab-ci.yml: Build package in CI

    Compare with previous version

  • Jonathon Hall added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • 633094a0 - debian/pureos-ci.yml: Build package in CI

    Compare with previous version

  • Jonathon Hall added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    • c8a3d209 - debian/pureos-ci.yml: Build package in CI

    Compare with previous version

  • Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
  • Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
    Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras @evangelos.tzaras started a thread on an outdated change in commit 2c13aa1b
  • non-gnome-all 0 → 100644
    1 firefox-esr-mobile-config
    • have you tried without this? I would assume this is not needed on L11 (and it could potentially be demoted to recommends as well (see e.g. Librem5/librem5-base!375 (merged) )

    • Jonathon Hall changed this line in version 5 of the diff

      changed this line in version 5 of the diff

    • I looked over the package and tried Firefox with/without firefox-esr-mobile-config.

      It has a visible impact on the default new tab page:

      • Default search engine is DuckDuckGo instead of Google
      • Telemetry is disabled, so you don't get the "Firefox automatically sends some data... [Choose What I Share]" banner
      • The mostly-social-media shortcuts are removed, in particular the sponsored ones

      IMO this is significant enough that I would prefer to keep it. It's much cleaner and a bit less creepy. I did move it to recommends though.

      The adaptive changes for small displays don't matter, but AFAICT they don't harm anything either. The repo says it removes other search engines besides DDG and Wikipedia and also installs uBlock Origin by default, but those don't seem to actually work. (They would be awesome though.)

      Also @guido.gunther, regarding this comment (Librem5/librem5-base!375 (comment 248225)) - AFAICT we do install non-gnome by default on L5 because librem5-gnome depends on librem5-non-gnome.

      Default without firefox-esr-mobile-config:


      Default with firefox-esr-mobile-config:


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  • 3
    4 set -e
    6 PREREQS=""
    7 case $1 in
    8 prereqs) echo "${PREREQS}"; exit 0;;
    9 esac
    11 . /scripts/functions
    13 msg() { [ -x /bin/plymouth ] && plymouth display-message --text="$@" || echo "$@"; }
    15 [ -x /sbin/cryptsetup ] || return 0
    17 DUMPFILE="/var/lib/reencrypt/dump"
    18 DISABLEFILE="/etc/reencrypt-disabled"
  • 4 set -e
    6 PREREQS=""
    7 case $1 in
    8 prereqs) echo "${PREREQS}"; exit 0;;
    9 esac
    11 . /scripts/functions
    13 msg() { [ -x /bin/plymouth ] && plymouth display-message --text="$@" || echo "$@"; }
    15 [ -x /sbin/cryptsetup ] || return 0
    17 DUMPFILE="/var/lib/reencrypt/dump"
    18 DISABLEFILE="/etc/reencrypt-disabled"
    19 PASSPHRASE="123456"
    • so I take it this is only supposed to run once on first boot (after rootfs has been resized?)

      what happens if the passphrase was changed?

    • Mostly. It's only supposed to start a reencrypt once, but it could also resume a reencryption if the reencryption was interrupted somehow (power failure / force shut down / etc.).

      It's before resizing. I believe reencrypting after resize would take much longer since it would reencrypt all the "free" space - I suppose this would mean nothing is leaked about how much space is in use, but I think it would take way too long to block the first boot out of the box.

      The only way to change the passphrase would be to do it manually from PureBoot, or an initramfs shell, etc.; fairly 'expert' methods. The reencryption blocks boot, so you can't boot until it's complete. If you did change the passphrase, the LUKS header would no longer match, so no reencryption would occur.

      I did not test those scenarios since it's the same script we're shipping on L5.

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  • Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
  • 26
    27 # check whether rootfs is on a LUKS volume
    28 if (cryptsetup status ${ROOT} >/dev/null 2>&1); then
    30 # find out the real device behind LUKS volume
    31 DEV=$(cryptsetup status ${ROOT} | awk -F: '$1~/device/ {gsub(/^[ \t]+/, "", $2); print $2}')
    33 # try to resume an interrupted reencryption
    34 (echo $PASSPHRASE | cryptsetup reencrypt --resume-only $DEV 2>/dev/null) || :
    36 # only reencrypt if luksDump is the same as the one stored at image creation
    37 if (cryptsetup luksDump $DEV | cmp -s - "${rootmnt}${DUMPFILE}"); then
    38 msg "Encrypting the filesystem, please wait..."
    39 echo $PASSPHRASE | cryptsetup reencrypt $DEV
    40 msg
    41 fi
  • Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
  • 1 include:
    2 - ''
    3 - ''
  • I was a bit confused around reencryption, because I didn't see how it get's disabled.

    Other than that I left some nits here and there.

    Thanks for working on this!

  • Guido Gunther
    Guido Gunther @guido.gunther started a thread on commit 106aee76
  • 1 # Help some windowing systems along until they use wayland by default
    3 if [ -f "/usr/lib/$(uname -m)-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/wayland-shell-integration/" ]; then
    4 export QT_QPA_PLATFORM
    5 QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
    6 fi
    11 export GDK_GL
    12 GDK_GL=gles
  • gnome-base-all 0 → 100644
    1 fonts-noto-cjk
    2 gnome-initial-setup
    3 gnome-settings-daemon
    4 gstreamer1.0-libav
    5 gvfs-backends
    6 librem11-base
    7 network-manager-gnome
    8 phoc
    9 phosh-core
    • With phosh-core in there we can drop a lot of dependencies in crimson. These are the deps of phosh-core:

       feedbackd (>= 0.2.0),
       gnome-control-center (>= 1:44),
       gnome-settings-daemon (>= 44),
       gvfs-fuse [linux-any],
       phosh (>= 0.27.0),
       pipewire-pulse | pulseaudio,
       libspa-0.2-bluetooth | libspa-0.2-bluetooth,,
       squeekboard (>= 1.22.0) | phosh-osk-stub (>= 0.27.0),

      We have also phosh-{phone,tablet} nowadays. Using that would make the dependency list even shorter.

      (if time is tight this can be cleaned up past release)

    • Thanks, cleaned all of this up. Spotted a few packages that were related to phone hardware as well.

      Details in the commit (!1 (0570d57d)), but I added pureos-standard and phosh-full. Also added phosh-tablet to ensure the dep from phosh-full on phosh-phone | phosh-tablet doesn't pull in the phone packages.

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